First parenting fail

Halloween is a special holiday we celebrate with my husband’s birthday, which lands on November 1.

It’s become more fun with our kids as they understand the excitement of dressing up, visiting our neighbors, and shouting, “trick or treat!”

Our daughter, Mia’s first Halloween was at 9-months old. She didn’t understand the holiday but we were excited nonetheless. We dressed up in coordinated Incredibles costumes early just to capture the photos.

When the day arrived, it started like any other day. Wake up, get ready, daycare drop-off, and off to work.

I didn’t think anything more of the day until later that afternoon when I received photos on my phone from daycare. It was a picture of our daughter with all of her classmates. Everyone was dressed in their Halloween costume. Except Mia.

I was mortified. I forgot to pack her costume. Cue the tears.

I called my husband and cried. I feel frustrated with myself. How could I forget her costume? I send him the picture. He starts laughing. What could possibly be funny at this moment? He points out that every kid is either sad or crying in the photo. It’s clear they are not enjoying their costume party. In fact, Mia is the only one smiling!

We laugh about it now and look at the photo every Halloween to be reminded of that moment. It is also so silly that I let such a small thing upset me. But, being a mom is hard, and it is impossible to get it right all the time.

Our daycare providers were gracious and assured me that Mia had a great day and enjoyed her Halloween party as much as everyone else. This picture is a reminder to let go of the small things and give myself grace. Life is busy and far from perfect. Let’s be reminded to focus on the important aspects of it.

So, tell me - what are your funniest/best/worst/most memorable parent fails? I have many more fails to share, and I’m sure many more are to come!

Mia no costume.JPG

Reflecting on 2020